I had a vision last night of a painting of a man in a black turban, siting on the ground on his behind & his legs bent in front to the side. Sitting knees in front & feet to his right side. His arms reaching wide up to the 'Light'. He was so in love with the magnificent light shining to him. Brown & gray clouds the rest of the back ground sky. Then this was a painting. Truly it was in color also. A white robe with some color also. I would hope to paint it. But then Jesus stated that this is a terrorist who has noticed the accurate light And he changed & stood up & reached his hands straight up to heaven to the light & his black turban fell off. And he had clean brief curly hair. But also more than him somehow was a tall angelic getting standing up for him. And I heard behind the man, about where the black turbin fell off, a heckling (sneery laugh).And I also saw a separate vision of a man in chains & the Lord said that the man had been in bondage by this heckling demon.
Then the angel fought against spiritual wickedness for this man. I had alread ybound the heckling demon with weights & thrown into the deep sea to wait till judgment day.
Do you feel this vision is about a terrorist who is just saved by Jesus Christ?
He was looking up to the bright light in the sky. In the 1st painting vision whilst sitting & reaching wide toward the light. Then when He stood up the angel stood up with him. But he continually looked up to the heavens at the light. Asl he stood up his arms/hands also straightened & the turban fell off.
Ideal answer:
Answer by Joaquin M
Dreams dont see the future or present, they just see your Recognized past and interpret your Known present.
Know much better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Orignal From: What message is in this vision that I had last night of a man wearing a black turban & robe?
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