Monday, 19 March 2012

His Name was written over 6,000 times in the OT, all of a sudden man decided to change it. Why?

Question by Yahcal613: His Name was written more than 6,000 instances in the OT, all of a sudden man decided to modify it. Why?
Wycliffe Bible Encyclopedia, 1975, Vol. two, page 690, tell us:

The Name par excellence for the Creator of Israel is Yahweh, found 6,823 times in the OT. Via Israyl's deliverance from bondage in Egypt, adoption as a nation, and guidance to the Promised Land, the Redeemer-Creator is specifically identified by this Name.

James Moffatt, in his translation, The Bible: A New Translation, 1935, informs us in his introduction:

Strictly speaking this ought to be rendered `Yahweh' which is familiar to modern day readers in the erroneous form of 'Jehovah'. Had been this version intended for students of the original, there would be no hesitation whatever in printing 'Yahweh'.

Joseph Rotherham, in The Emphasized Bible, A New Translation, the Regular Publishing Co., 1902, says this in the "Introduction, The Incommunicable Name:"

The Name Suppressed: THE Fact
It is willingly admitted that the suppression has not been absolute at least so far as Hebrew and English are concerned. The Name, in its four crucial letters (YHWH), was reverently transcribed by the Hebrew copyist, and consequently was necessarily placed before the eye of the Hebrew reader. The latter, nonetheless, was instructed not to pronounce it, but to utter rather a less sacred name—Adonay or Elohim. In this way The Name was not suffered to reach the ear of the listener. To that degree it was suppressed. The Septuagint, or ancient Greek version (LXX), produced the concealment complete by regularly substituting Kurios as the Vulgate, in like manner, employed Dominus both Kurios and Dominus getting at the very same time their personal proper service to render as appropriately answering to the Hebrew Adonay, confessedly meaning 'Lord'. The English versions do nearly the exact same issues, in rendering The Name as LORD, and sometimes GOD these terms also having their own rightful workplace to fill as fitly representing the Hebrew titles Adonay and Elohim and El, so that the Tetragrammaton is almost hidden in our public English versions. 'Confusion', then, is a term not a whit too powerful to apply to these varying devices. No wonder that even intelligent and educated men and women are continually forgetting what they have heard or read regarding so involved a matter.

Best answer:

Answer by The Robot Devil
A rose by any other name.

Add your own answer in the comments!

Orignal From: His Name was written over 6,000 times in the OT, all of a sudden man decided to change it. Why?

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